'The Big Bang Theory' recap: 'The Locomotion Reverberation'

What happens when Sheldon is given the opportunity to be a train engineer for a day? He pours himself into pre-planning, falls more in love with the wonder that is a locomotive, and threatens to give up physics. Who needs a fancy guidance system? This guy wants to work on the railroad all the livelong day.
When Sheldon comes up with a formula that can make their guidance system even smaller, Leonard and Howard balk. The device has been approved. Why would they start completely over? Sheldon refuses to back down, so Leonard pulls out a secret weapon he’s been holding on to for years. Say hello to a $4,000 solution to getting Sheldon out of their hair!
Leonard presents Sheldon with a special gift: a ticket for the ultimate train experience. Sheldon thanks his old roommate with one of his rare hugs and rushes home to prepare Amy for their upcoming trip to a historic railway. Amy listens as Sheldon drones on and on about his locomotive agenda. Will they stay in the caboose? Can he perform track maintenance? Who gets to memorize a very thick manual? Dr. Cooper, that’s who!
While Sheldon learns hand signals, Leonard and Howard bask in the peaceful ambiance of their Sheldon-free lab. When Colonel Williams arrives for a visit, he notices Sheldon’s math on a whiteboard and demands that his team make the device smaller. He suggests they get the kid with two shirts to work out the math.
Meanwhile, Penny and Amy decide to take Bernadette (and her breast pump) out for a night of dancing. They leave the baby in the questionably capable hands of Raj and Stuart. I say questionable because I don’t think Bernadette should have to tell Stuart not to drink her breast milk.Penny insists that there will be no talk of preschools, life insurance policies, or piles of laundry during girls’ night. When they arrive at the club, Penny is annoyed to find that it’s now a bookstore. Amy suggests a Latin club nearby and Bernadette perks up, thankful that she’s not about to return home to her sweatpants and two morons. But Penny is ready to call it a night. She’s sad.
Penny feels like she and Leonard are stagnant since they don’t have a house or a baby. Bernadette reminds her that she has a wonderful job and a husband who loves her so much that he married her twice. Penny’s spirits lift just as Amy’s plummet. She starts crying because her boyfriend doesn’t even think about marriage. This makes Penny cry, which makes Bernadette lactate.

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